One language
is nice.
Two languages
are better!

Discover the richness of
linguistic duality

It’s Better Together.

Marshmallows and campfires. Movies and popcorn. Eggs and bacon. Some things are just better together, and it’s the same for French and English. It doesn’t matter what your first language is, linguistic duality is a benefit for all of us. At the heart of our identity and a source of pride, linguistic duality makes Canada… more Canadian.









We Need You.

Being a part of the Linguistic Duality Network means supporting a fundamental Canadian value. Help build a more open and inclusive society by adding your name to our list of supporters.

Linguistic Duality Q & A

Q. Do I have to learn French (or English)?

A. Absolutely not!

Linguistic duality is not a synonym for bilingualism! It celebrates both official languages without forcing anyone to become bilingual. Linguistic duality enriches our country, with two official languages accessible to all.

Q. Isn’t this just another debate about bilingualism?

A. No!

Linguistic duality is about the coexistence of two majority language communities. Francophones and Anglophones, with their regional expressions and accents, enrich the culture of our vast country.

Q. Won’t focusing on linguistic duality hurt linguistic minority communities?

A. Not at all!

Linguistic duality doesn’t harm minority language groups, it is a source of meaningful action and vitality. In fact, French and English sow the seeds which will take root in this fundamental Canadian value.

Linguistic Duality Touches Everyone!

Total students in FSL education* (2016-2017)
total students in FSL education* (2016-2017)
The number of students enrolled in French immersion each year
The number of students enrolled in French Immersion each year
Canadians in favour of bilingualism
Canadians who believe that linguistic duality facilitates understanding between Canadians
Canadians who agree that linguistic duality is part of our Canadian identity
Canadians who are bilingual

Source: Canadian Heritage and the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages

Linguistic Duality in Action

Promoting Canada’s two official languages: that’s the mission of the Linguistic Duality Network’s founding partners. They build connections between communities and promote the language and culture of both official languages across Canada. 

Canadian Parents for French logo
French for the future Logo